Have you tried Telegram or Signal yet?

How many family groups on WhatsApp/Telegram do you have?

What about the smaller family side groups with select family members for a more comfortable discussion and the occasional family gossip and snickering?

When I was interviewed on-air about Telegram, I shared on public TV the private group that my brother and sister use to talk more comfortably about topics that we prefer not to include in the main family group that has the multi-generational moms, dads, and kids. We all have the main family messaging group, and side family groups, some of them the family knows about, and others they don't.

On TV, I spoke about the private one as part of the demo, and consequently, it became not so private. (Consequent questions of: Why are we not on that group? What do you guys talk about? Do you guys talk about us?) Obviously, there isn't much to hide, just a comfort level of discussion and the occasional family gossip and snickering.

Plus, if you are a Telegram user, I am working on being more active in a Telegram Public Group where I talk about business observations I come across.
Link here: https://t.me/aymanitani


Digital Media is Constantly Changing Our Lives


Should You be Concerned About Using WhatsApp?